
System.Exception: Init: Execution failed:

imranbaloch opened this issue · 16 comments

I am getting this exception on the production server (Windows Server 2012 R2),

 System.Exception: Init: Execution failed: 

I am running on IIS(not IIS Express), so I am unable to see stderr/stdout output anywhere. Where I can find more details about the error? My config is


Note the application was working before the updated dll. The console application on the same server is working fine only the IIS app(64 bit app).

Try without "license_token_data" and see if it's working

Yea working with * sign. Did updating the library on the same server impact license?

On the same server running your sample yields,

***[COMPV ERROR]: function: "ultimateMrzSdk::UltMrzSdkEnginePrivate::updateLicen
file: "source\ultimate_mrz_sdk_private_engine.cxx"
line: "444"
message: Operation Failed (COMPV_ERROR_CODE_E_INVALID_CALL) -> Field [3]
***[COMPV ERROR]: function: "ultimateMrzSdk::UltMrzSdkEnginePrivate::init()"
file: "source\ultimate_mrz_sdk_private_engine.cxx"
line: "81"
message: Operation Failed (COMPV_ERROR_CODE_E_INVALID_CALL) ->
***[COMPV ERROR]: function: "ultimateMrzSdk::UltMrzSdkEngine::init()"
file: "source\ultimate_mrz_sdk_public_engine.cxx"
line: "133"
message: Operation Failed (COMPV_ERROR_CODE_E_INVALID_CALL) -> Failed to initial
ize the engine
Init: Execution failed:

Unhandled Exception: System.Exception: Init: Execution failed:
   at recognizer.Program.CheckResult(String functionName, UltMrzSdkResult result
   at recognizer.Program.Main(String[] args)

The license format changed months ago and we also updated it again today. To avoid having the same issue next months after update, use version 2.5.0 to generate a new runtime key. Share it with us and we'll replace the old license.

Sorry, I don't get what you mean. Should I share the license key here or via email? Please let me know what should we do now because we are stuck after the update.

I used your portal to generate the license key. I don't get use version 2.5.0 to generate a new runtime key?

  • Update the binary to 2.5.0 (version released today)
  • Run runtimeKey.bat from binaries folder
  • Share the key here
  • We'll update your old license using the new runtime key
  • You'd be able to retrieve the new license/token from the portal

I used your portal to generate the license key. I don't get use version 2.5.0 to generate a new runtime key?

If you use the portal the license won't be replaced, replacing requires admin rights.

  • Replace -> your balance will go from 1/2 to 2/3
  • Activate (done by you without admin rights) -> your balance will go from 1/2 to 2/2

I downloaded the binaries and ran runtimeKey.bat in the same production server. I am getting the below error,


C:\binaries\windows\x86_64>runtimeKey.exe     --json
true     --assets ../../../assets
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltMrzSdkEngine] Call: ultimateMrzSdk::UltMrzSdkEngine::init
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltMrzSdkEngine] jsonConfig: {"assets_folder": "../../../assets"
Error opening data file ../../../assets/models/mrz.traineddata
Please make sure the TESSDATA_PREFIX environment variable is set to your "tessda
ta" directory.
Failed loading language 'mrz'
Tesseract couldn't load any languages!
***[COMPV ERROR]: function: "ultimateLstm::UltLstmNetworkThreadData::UltLstmNetw
file: "source\ultimate_lstm_network.cxx"
line: "70"
message: Operation Failed (COMPV_ERROR_CODE_E_THIRD_PARTY_LIB) -> Failed to init
ialize Tesseract
****[COMPV FATAL]: function: "ultimateLstm::UltLstmNetworkThreadData::UltLstmNet
file: "source\ultimate_lstm_network.cxx"
line: "70"
message: Assertion failed!

You need the models folder in the assets. The error means Tesseract file from the models folder is missing. Do a git clone instead of downloading a single folder

yea right here is key,


I got error: Bad Request {"message":"[organisations.model.js] [activate].processMasterData() : This license is tied to a server/hardware. We have detected you're using a virtual machine with no hardware information"}
The new license manager is more restrictive and doesn't accept virtual machines (VMWare), the license is tied to a machine and using VM means you can run the image everywhere

Yes, our environment is on Windows Server VMs (do you think these days people are using physical servers?). So, please suggest what can we do with these new updates?

Check the portal, it's the first entry (Sept 23)

Great. I have tested its working now. Thanks for your support.

Is there is way to stderr/stdout in web applications like IIS?