
Suggestion: Patterns

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The addition of patterns would allow for de-duplication of modifier blocks.
An example of their usage is as follows:

@pattern_name = (color=#000000, bold, hover_text=<Basically /clone>)
Here is some [modified text](@pattern_name)

In this case, [modified text](@pattern_name) is equivalent to [modified text](color=#000000, bold, hover_text=<Basically /clone>).

However, merging patterns and other modifiers is valid:

@pattern1 = (bold, italic)
@pattern2 = (underlined, bold=false)

More [text](@pattern1, @pattern2, link="")

Patterns should be applied in order that they are listed in, from left to right.
In this case, [text](@pattern1, @pattern2, is equivalent to [text](italic, underlined, link=""), as the bold modifier in @pattern1 is overridden by @pattern2.
