
How to test the model?

ZhengLeon opened this issue · 8 comments

How can I eval the model and get the result in your paper after training?


set epoch to 0 and resume the checkpoint
you can add the resume: path/to/the/checkpoint into yaml file

Thanks a lot!
If I enable the resume in training process, how can I update the begining epoch num using the resume one instead of epoch0?

edit num_epoch in yaml file

Just edit the "num_epoch" in SYSU.yml doesn't work, isn't this "num_epoch" represent the max epoch?
(I wanna change the first training epoch num to the resume epoch num so the old checkpoints could avoid being covered.)

It is for max epoch
And it is really strange, When training finishes, it will automatically testing.

In Chinese:

I didn't achieve this function.
You can add a start_epoch parameter for def get_trainer() in engine/


strategy_cfg.num_epoch = 60
num_epoch: 140
Dose only the second one make sense?
嗯嗯 如果训练过程中断了epoch的数量就只能从0开始比较方便吗