
Code repository for the InnovateVegas Open Transit project

Primary LanguageJava


Code repository for the InnovateVegas Open Transit project

Developer Setup

NOTE: Since we haven't fully decided which language(s) we are using yet, there are prototypes in a few different languages.

A better way to do this might be to make different branches/tags or even repos for the different implementations but I'm expecting to decide on the stack pretty quickly once development starts in earnest.

Ultimately, I plan to setup Docker containers for each env and expect to develop locally inside them using vscode's remote extension.



Beginner Resources


Technologies and Concepts

Prerequisites for all environments

- git v2+
- Docker v18+

fork this repo: https://github.com/DovRine/src-open-transit

clone the forked repo


No working examples yet


There is an initial, working, implementation of receiving real-time data.


- Python 3.9+
Local Setup

Note: These instructions are assuming a Mac or Linux environment.

TODO: write instructions for windows users

NOTE: the commands that activate and deactivate the virtualenv are dependent on how you named it, so if you name your virtualenv differently, you must adapt these commands to match

NOTE: if you name the virtualenv differently, make sure that you update the .gitignore file so that you don't accidentally commit your virtualenv

Initial setup

$ cd <project root>/src/python
$ python -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Start Developing

$ cd <project root>/src/python
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $

Done for the day

(.venv) $ deactivate

Run the current code:

(.venv) <project root>/src/python $ python main.py