
This is a .NET Solution containing a 3 projects:

  • API Project
  • API UnitTests Project
  • Test Client for the API end points

How to start project

To build and start both projects simply run the following command:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

During this process, the tests (around 25) and build would be done and then by starting the containers, server would be listening to port number: 8083. Therefore you can navigate to the swagger page: http://localhost:8083/swagger or

and to stop it you can use:

docker-compose down

However, the Test Client Project can be run manually

dotnet run ./RadioTest --number 1000 --host localhost:8083

The number and host flags should be set during run.

What API does?

Provides 2 HTTP endpoints that accepts base64-encoded JSON of following format

{"input":"some value to be compared"}

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8083/v1/diff/<ID>/left" -H "accept: */*" -H "Content-Type:
application/custom" -d "\"eyJpbnB1dCI6InRlc3RWYWx1ZSJ9\""

Same format as above for right endpoint is true.

By calling the 3rd endpoint and providing the desired ID, diff-ed value would be returned:


The results provides the following info in JSON format

If value of the "input" property of diffed JSONs is equal, returns “inputs were equal”.

If value of the "input" property of diffed JSONs is not of equal size, returns “inputs are of different size”.

If value of the "input" property of diffed JSONs has the same size, perform a simple diff - returns offsets and lengths of the differences.


Left=       "ABCDEFG"
Right=      "ABXXEFX"
Difference= "--??--?"

The result means starting from second character with the length of 2 we have first difference. the second difference starts at 6th position and its length is 1.

System Design

Matching IDs

To calculate the differences, first of all, we need a way to wire left and right with each other, for this the project uses Redis as a data store and benefits from its fast memory architecture.

The difference calculation itself depending on the length of strings can be time-consuming but since there is no assumption about the length there is no further optimization considered in this solution.

on-Demand Calculation

The difference would be calculated on demand, meaning for the same ID the calculation could happen multiple times, which also can be enhanced by storing the result for next uses due to the more complicated solution considering rewrites and recalculation when overwriting is not implemented.

Time Complexity

The time complexity of implemented diff calculation is of order O(n) and is fast.

Limitations of the solution

Repeating Requests

If the call for diff for a certain ID occured multiple time, this solution recalculates the diff over and over, hence, the performance can be improved more by storing first calculation result.

Long Strings

If length of strings are too big, storing them in case of equality or difference size is not needed at all, therefore it could be improved by only storing those conditions instead of two big strings. This behaviour currently causes more space complexity of solution.


Unit Tests

There is around 30 tests covering service, controllers and utilities.

Test client

Test client is a console application providing following options:

--number   --> number of test requests
--host      --> the url on which the API endpoints are exposed

To increase the pressure of test either we can run multiple instances of the test client or use tools like jmeter.

Suggestions for better solution

Asynchronous Calculation

In a real world scenario, the API users could be numerous, and the diff request can happen not immediately, in this situation we can facilitate an asynchronous solution using message queues such as RabbitMQ to make the calculation happen constantly even when there is no demand and by storing the results we can increase the CPU efficiency by decreasing the idle time. However, this solution needs some assumptions and overwriting could be taken into account.

This way, after getting both left and right values the calculation starts for future use, no matter whether there already is a demand for the result or not.

Concurrent Calculation

In the case of very long strings, we can also exploit the power of concurrent calculations using threads/tasks, such that each thread/task calculates the difference of a handful amount of characters.