
Would you consider contributing this work back to FoundationDB as the official C# / .Net binding?

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Consider contributing this work back to FoundationDB as the official C# / .Net binding?

Of course, though I don't know what is the current policy regarding bindings created by the community at the moment.

Before the acquisition by Apple, this repo was referenced on the API documentation page as the binding for .NET, and I had a lot of help and regular contacts with the devs. We never had the time to finalize the API nor create official NuGet packages.

Please note that I'm currently revamping the code and backporting a lot of changes that were made in a (private) fork that lived on after this project was archived. A lot of features were integrated into our product code base, and I'm now faced with the dilemna of untangling everything again ^_^;

The API may change in the coming days while I'm doing that. I'm considering adding all the latest perf improvements introduced with .NET Core 2.1, which could impact the API a lot.

wouldn't targeting .net standard be the ideal?

wouldn't targeting .net standard be the ideal?

That's the plan. Most probably .NET Standard 2.0.

See for the discussion.

Any blogs/articles on your experience working with FoundationDB and .Net would also be greatly appreciated โ˜บ๏ธ

There's a lot to talk about!

There are things on FDB's side that are covered by NDAs and I'm not sure what I can share or not. I would not want to be followed by the white vans of the Apple's Spec Op team all day long (I imagine the van's interior is extremely well decorated, and that Jony Ive himself has designed the trigger of their iSniperRifle :) )

On the .NET's side, there is a lot of things that were missing and had to be implemented before being usable.

Though I'm very happy to see that many have since found there way in the framework (tuples, memory spans, value tasks) and the somewhat recent emphasis on performance is a joy in my heart. Hopefully most of the boiler plate code I had to write may go away in the future.

Exciting times for .Net Core and distributed systems in general... can only assume switching over the code will be a bittersweet process, but in the long run rewarding. Sounds like .Net Core and FDB are going to work great together!

Anything you can share outside NDA will be a bonus... use cases, also how well FDB runs on Windows vs Linux, fail-over & data re-balancing time, general design patterns (secondary indexes, full text search), cluster consistent backup and restore, reliable messaging patterns etc ๐Ÿ™‚

A shameless plug about outstanding production experience with FoundationDB and .NET: