Pre-made for Modmail
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Hello, I would like to propose an idea for Modmail, I don't know if it already exists but I propose it to you anyway: it would be the possibility of using "pre-made" messages like Zeppelin when using tags, let me explain: Sometimes we end up with tickets for certain servers for the same reason, and I'm tired of repeating myself for people who open a ticket for the same reason, the goal would be to have the possibility of being able to type a personalized command (like tags with Zeppelin) which would allow Modmail to directly send a message to the person already freshly prepared, for example instead of doing: !r (as a base prefix) I would put !rTest to directly send a message already made by me with Modmail (this should only work if the "alwaysReplyAnon or alwaysReply" plugins are disabled) unless there is an alternative to this
This exact feature is listed in the main README.
It was pretty easy to find ;)