
FOV not changing with Reshade

Closed this issue · 16 comments

FOV isn't changing for me when using ReShade version '' (64-bit), it's the latest version. I installed Reshade using the official Reshade setup tool from here:

The preset I'm using is this one:

This is what's in the preset (but I turned off Depth of Field):

But even if I disable ALL the effects from Reshade's configuration menu and restart the game, FOV still isn't changing.
Other settings from your mod like Gamma or FPS seems to be working together with Reshade, though.
If I remove the file dxgi.dll from the game folder to completely disable Reshade then I can change the FOV properly.

Hey thanks for the post. Is ReShade running in configuration or Performance mode? If it is running in configuration mode , set it to performance and try again. Furthermore, if this doesn't work, try updating the SharpDx dll files in the game directory and see if that fixes the problem. Also, are you running the program before loading a file? This sometimes causes issues with the fov.

Just double checked the version of ReShade that I am using. We both are using 3.4.351, so I am going to quickly test the preset that you linked. If you need the updated sharpdx files, I have attached them. From the game folder, they should be placed in ..\x64

I have successfully reproduced the issue using your config:
The issue is in DOF.fx (disabling that shader fixes this issue; you can the reenable it and the FOV will be changed.)
I think the issue is caused when reshade has greater priority over the unlocker. I suppose running the fps unlocker as admin might circumvent this completely. Either way, imho, the dof effect isn't very good and the performance hit isn't worth it (especially since the game's built in dof is super intensive already).
In the future, I plan to disable the built in DOF and AO effects, and to properly re-implement a more modern dof effect, and ultimately better AO effect.
If you would like to try out my preset, I have attached it.

DoF was disabled in the first place, tried performance and configuration modes, updated SharpDX files, disabled antivirus, ran your mod as administrator, tried deleting all the files from the reshade shaders and textures folder so that nothing appears in Reshade configurator menu... Reshade is completely empty and FOV still doesn't change.
It only works if I delete dxgi.dll from the game folder.

Can these be a problem? They are in Reshade.ini

The only programs running are Firefox with this page from Github, some small mouse utility that runs on startup with Windows, and ScpToolkit (a small utility that makes ps3 controllers be recognized as xbox controllers).

RESHADE_DEPTH_INPUT_IS_REVERSED=1 should be 0 but that should not interfere. Are you installed ReShade as Dx10+? If not, the game runs in D3d11. Furthermore, what are the contents of your FPSConfig.ini, and what is the console outputting?

I was able to make it work a few times, but I can't replicate it on a stable basis. The first time it worked I did this:

-I changed RESHADE_DEPTH_INPUT_IS_REVERSED=1 to =0 in Reshade.ini
-Started your mod and the game and it froze at launch
-I had to restart the computer with the game window still opened
-Restarted your mod and the game
-Now the game started in windowed mode and FOV worked with Reshade! I was also able to change to borderless windowed or fullscreen and it remained.

The next time I started the game and your mod, FOV was back to default.

Then I found out that fiddling with windowed mode/borderless and restarting the game sometimes make it run, but maybe like 20% of the time.

It is not affected by the antivirus or the other small apps I have in background.
I was never able to start the game in fullscreen with FOV working, it only starts in other modes and then I can change to fullscreen.
I always have to run your mod as administrator, with or without Reshade.

Here are text from the console, dxgi.log and my fpsconfig.ini

I took these console text and the log file when the FOV didn't work, I also have the files for when it worked but they look the same to me.

EDIT: yes, Reshade is installed as Dx10+

Thanks for the reply. In all three of the display modes, I cannot reproduce this issue.
This in particular was an issue a past version, are you using the current update? (Perhaps my slightly updated build just doesn't have the issue, so I've attached it).
ReShade seems to have been updated to V.4.0 today, perhaps try that and see if it works.

I had FPS Unlocker version 3.31.303 installed from Nexus.

I tried with this latest FFXIIZAFPSU, with your SharpDX files, and the DefaultPreset for Reshade you uploaded in a previous comment, with Reshade version, always launching your mod as administrator and it's still the same.
Since I had some spare time, I actually tried launching the game and your mod in different window modes to see if I could find a pattern, this is the result:

Windowed-> fov changed 5 times out of 10
Borderless-> fov changed 5 times out of 10
Fullscreen-> fov did never change in 10 tries

I tried with Reshade 4.0 and it's still the same.

Hopefully this information is of some usage!

Hey, sorry for the delay! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Have you tried the latest update?

I'm in Italy, we don't have Thanksgiving :P
It's 3AM here right now!

Tried with Reshade 4.0.2 and update 9 of your mod, still experiencing the same behaviour.
I'm on Windows 10 (64bit) build 1803, cpu i7 4790 @3.6GHz and gpu Nvidia RTX 2080.

Can you show me the console output from Update 9?

Tried in borderless window and fov didn't change, here is the console output:

console output2.txt

Okay I attached a build that more aggressively tries to change the FOV. See if that works.
I've spoken with quite a few others who are also using Reshade and they do not seem to be experiencing this problem.

I tried this latest file and it works flawlessly in both borderless and fullscreen.
The strange thing is, I redownloaded update 9 and that is working too now!
I tried redownloading Mega Update and that is NOT working.

I think it has something to do with Avast Antivirus making a deep scan on rare files, maybe it's changing some privilegies while it deep scan them and doesn't set them back completely?
After it deep scan them even disabling the antivirus doesn't make them work properly.

With these latest 2 files I was fast in blocking the deep scan.
With Mega Update the deep scan didn't start this time even if it's a newly downloaded file, and it's behaving as always.

This is my best guess, I'll see the next days if the bad behaviour returns.

Great to see. If it messes up, post a message again. Otherwise, I'll close this issue in a couple days.

The game crashed once yesterday, apparently Avast Antivirus decided your mod was a virus and removed the .exe file from the game folder while I was in mid-game. I updated definitions and it doesn't seem to happen again.
FOV didn't change again in one occasion but it seems to be a rare occurrence now (with Update 9).

I'm enjoying FOV at 60 now, great job!
And thank you for the assistance!