
UI Elements for linked announcements and events

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Have announcements linked to an event deleted when !e delete xx is used. Additionally, have any linked announcements displayed when !e view XX is used.

No need to include the database part as that is already existing and implemented, but it just wasn't fully working, which it will be soon.

So I was thinking about this, what do we consider "linked" announcements? Just specific/recur type that have the event's ID? Or would color count too if it matches? and if so, then does universal count as linked too?

Just trying to figure out what we should consider linked so that I can work on implementing the backend handling of this to make the SQL query simpler than just getting all announcements and looping through for matching values.

smnc commented

My thoughts:
Any and all announcements should be considered "linked" (specific/recur/colour/universal) when using !event view
I'd suggest something like when a user uses: !event view <eventID> the bot responds with the standard announcement as well as a message saying "This event has linked announcements. Use !event view <eventID> linked to view them", or something similar.

Also, what about the inverse? !announcements view <announcementID> could be "linked" back to events too.
Same method as above.

Unless the event is a RECUR or SPECIFIC type I don't think we can link it back to announcements since it would be too many events for a color or universal type.

Linking event -> announcement is possible and can be done, but announcement -> event can only be done with the recur and specific type... maybe a note can be added though?
Like "This announcement will be posted for all events matching its color" or something? or is that redundant?

smnc commented

I think the message is good, makes sure it's clear.

Should disabled announcements count as being linked? Say, a specific type announcement that is set to disabled.

It exists, but it won't be posted... Or should the front-end UI just indicate if its disabled?

smnc commented

I think maybe a message saying:

This Event has disabled Announcements linked to it:

And then list the announcement IDs.

I think this would fill the dual purposes of letting the user know they exist, but without cluttering/confusing things with the inactive events being displayed.

Also going back to the Colour and Universal announcements... what about a !a list <colour> and !a list universal option? Perhaps with a similar message to #80 if too many are found?
I'm just trying to find a simple way for users to find and sort what announcements they have running.