Advanced annotation-based command library for simple command creation.
Bukkit/Bungee modules require this method on startup:
or BungeeCommandProvider.create(this)
For better support, add -parameters
flag to your compiler.
maven { url "" }
implementation "cc.dreamcode.command:{platform}:2.1.3"
// makes all executors async (optional)
// adds permission requirement to all executors (optional)
// adds console/client requirement to all executors (optional)
// provide command context (label/name, aliases) using annotation @Command
// description is used by custom help/usage-builder
@Command(name = "example", description = "Example command.")
public class ExampleCommand implements CommandBase {
// makes this executor async (optional)
// adds permission requirement to this executor (optional)
// adds console/client requirement to this executor (optional)
// empty executor without arguments
// input: /example
// input must be empty, in the otherwise
// library will print usage list
@Executor(description = "Empty executor.")
void empty() {
System.out.println("empty call");
// executor with provided path pattern
// input: /example special
// path pattern is non-changeable by input-call
// can only be executed if it starts with this 'special' argument
@Executor(path = "special", description = "Executor with path pattern.")
void special_empty() {
System.out.println("empty call but called by pattern");
// executor with custom argument
// input: /example <name>
// required argument can be provided by using @Arg annotation
// TIP: '/example special' has priority to exec,
// when path 'special' is provided in another executor.
@Executor(description = "Executor with argument.")
void single_argument(@Arg String name) {
System.out.println("Hello, " + name);
// executor with custom arguments
// input: /example <name> <age>
// params with @Arg annotation can be transformed to every object
// for example : input-arg -> string/int/long/etc
// by registering object-transformer class in command-provider
@Executor(description = "Executor with argument.")
void double_argument(@Arg String name, @Arg int age) {
System.out.println("Hello, " + name);
if (age >= 18) {
System.out.println("You're adult!");
// executor with binds
// input: /executor sender
// bind is a class resolved from command-sender instance
// provided without any command annotation in method params
// executor can bind Server class instance from sender.getServer(), or Player from object-cast
// (object-cast - for example: cow.class -> entity.class)
// by registering bind-resolver class in command-provider
@Executor(path = "sender", description = "Executor to send message to sender.")
void bind(TestSender testSender, Server server) {
testSender.sendMessage("You're on " + server.getName());
// executor with bind and argument with suggestion
// input: /executor <name>
// tab-competition/suggestion can be provided by using @Completion annotation
// value will suggest you options provided in annotation
// or can be used by special keyword, for example: @all-players
// keyword @all-players is provided by suggestion-supplier class,
// registered in command-provider instance
@Completion(arg = "playerName", value = {"mia", "vans", "rookie"})
@Completion(arg = "randomName", value = "@all-players")
@Executor(description = "Executor to send warn-message to sender.")
void bind_with_args(TestSender testSender, @Arg String playerName, @Arg String randomName) {
testSender.sendMessage(playerName + " was looking at you.");
testSender.sendMessage(randomName + " can help you from player-list.");
// executor with multi-arguments
// input: /executor broadcast <message>
// long message can be stored in array by using @Args annotation
// can be setup by min and max values inside annotation.
// also @Args array-value can be transformed to every object
// by registering array-transformer class in command-provider
// by default, @Args is storing every-arguments
// for example: ["broadcast", "arg1", "arg2"...]
// but it can be trimmed by min = 1 (or max): ["arg1", "arg2"...]
@Executor(path = "broadcast", description = "Broadcast message")
void broadcast(@Args String[] arguments) {
final String message = StringUtil.join(arguments, " ");
System.out.println("[BROADCAST] " + message);
// executor with optional-arguments
// input: /executor opt <player> (gamemode)
// optional argument can be provided by using @OptArg annotation
// it is recommended to put these annotation at the end of @Arg annotations
// it can be optional by setting Optional<Gamemode>
@Executor(path = "opt", description = "Executor to registry optional value.")
void optional_value(@Arg Player player, @OptArg Gamemode gamemode) {
player.setGamemode(gamemode == null ? Gamemode.SURVIVAL : gamemode);
// executor with enum and long path
// input: /executor type some <enum>
// enum arguments are not requiring special transformer
// they're transforming by self to enum that you're requiring
// by adding @Completion(arg = "exampleEnum", value = "@enum")
// library will suggest you all enum fields (collecting
// and by @CompletionFilter you can filter values like streams
// filter annotation requires SuggestionFilter registry in command-provider
@Executor(path = "type some")
@Completion(arg = "exampleEnum", value = "@enum", filter = @CompletionFilter(name = "limit", value = "5"))
void suggestEnum(@Arg ExampleEnum exampleEnum) {
// executor with return value
// input: /executor return <text>
// return method value can invoke result-resolver to send message
// type of objects can be registered by return-resolver class in command-provider
@Executor(path = "return", description = "Executor to return message.")
String return_value(@Arg String text) {
return text; // will println input