
HUD Not Appearing in SWADE for PC Wildcards with Powers

Opened this issue · 5 comments


I'm seeing potentially a related issue to the ticket #353 Powers for SWADE.

What I have encountered is any PC Wildcard with Powers on his/her sheet will not generate a HUD of late. If I remove Powers from the character, the HUD will appear. I ran Find the Culprit with only had this module enabled & still the issue persisted. I then ran tests on a few NPCs and could not duplicate the issue, so they may be fine.


How do I create a character that replicates the type you are seeing the issue with? I don't play SWADE, so any help would be great.

Okay, let's see. Easiest way to do it without Compendiums -

  • Goto Actors, select Create Actor - Select Player Character - then choose Create.
  • Goto Edges & Hindrances Tab on Character Sheet, Click '+Add' across from 'Edges' header.
  • When the New Edge comes up just select - 'Arcane Background' - exit Edge, it will remain on sheet as 'New Edge'
  • This will add a new tab for Powers, head to this tab. Click '+Add Power'
  • When the power comes up just give it a 'P.Points' cost of 1.
  • Adding a Power will cause it to appear on the sheet along with 'PP:' for Power Points. Just fill in 10 for both fields.
  • Now you have a character with Powers enabled - you can go into the compendiums if you have them and pull 'Arcane Background: Magic' to the character sheet as the 'Edge' and then 'Bolt' from 'Powers'. These both should be under Items or Default.

Hope that helps.

This is what I get following those instructions:
I can only think that perhaps something has become corrupted with those actors or that they are configured in a way that Token Action HUD does not expect. If you follow your own instructions with a new character, does the HUD still not appear?

It is weird. I did follow my own instructions and the generic new character is fine - does have the HUD.

I have a dwarf PC that I had to rebuild about two weeks back because I found his derivative stats in shambles - Toughness, Pace, Parry were all 0 or broken in some way, couldn't change them. Like if you forced text into a numeric field.
He is working while all my old PCs characters are not though. One of those PCs just got an Arcane Background last session. He was fine - the only one that worked, now he's broken.

I will try rebuilding them all since it worked when I found the dwarf a mess.

Thank you for looking into this. One last thing though - not encountering this issue on 3.015 - the HUD worked for all of them. Any possibilities there?

Thank you for looking into this. One last thing though - not encountering this issue on 3.015 - the HUD worked for all of them. Any possibilities there?

Yes, 3.0.16 saw an update to support multiple Power Point pools. Perhaps there's a system data change that only affects fresh actors, which is why I'm not seeing it when I test. I'd need to see the actor.system of an actor with the issue to be able to identify what's different.