Convert ebooks to audiobooks with chapters and metadata using dynamic AI models and voice cloning. Supports 1,107+ languages!
Pinned issues
- 9
can't run app.py
#36 opened by cavalrymargarine0x1 - 2
- 26
Feature Requests!
#38 opened by quantumlump - 12
Conversion runs fine on Docker for about 30 minutes and then stops, Gradio says "Error", with localhost saying "Connection refused" if checking connection
#31 opened by jdclark73 - 29
Program is runing on CPU and not GPU
#7 opened by FuxorLuck - 4
Fails on >24hr audiobooks & Reader Jumps Around
#37 opened by kkrausse - 11
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
#47 opened by geoyogesh - 5
- 9
- 4
v2 branch Test
#78 opened by agentxan - 4
- 1
Add a Benchmark
#55 opened by LexiconCode - 1
need to agree to COQUI TTS license
#54 opened by voipworld - 4
- 3
XTTS2 support
#52 opened by pivolan - 5
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyaudioop'
#42 opened by FuriFull - 36
Update on getting styletts2 piper-tts and xtts to all work in one install
#33 opened by DrewThomasson - 6
XTTS Hallucinations
#34 opened by DrewThomasson - 13
I getting error when pip installing TTS
#28 opened by NeverBeLazyG - 32
error on basic command
#17 opened by ROBERT-MCDOWELL - 17
Chinese text conversion takes a long time and has character limitations, resulting in audio being truncated
#18 opened by WUYIN66 - 13
numpy 2.0.0 breakage
#5 opened by Rihcus - 4
Can you make a pip install?
#24 opened by ROBERT-MCDOWELL - 35
permissions issues with docker
#22 opened by ROBERT-MCDOWELL - 3
The output m4b doesn't work
#21 opened by nitinmukesh - 5
Large Chapter Save Recommendation
#8 opened by shakenbake15 - 2
docker image is error
#16 opened by huayanqiaq - 3
Docker WebUI want start
#13 opened by matthiss - 13
Error during Windows Installation
#10 opened by doctorase - 1
- 34
- 6
blank fragment crash
#3 opened by Rihcus - 7
Epub conversion to audiobook fails
#2 opened by larry77 - 0
ImportError: cannot import name 'SampleOutput' from 'transformers.generation.utils' when running
#1 opened by DrewThomasson