

SuryaRajgor opened this issue · 7 comments

please release update for 1.17.1 and maybe in some days 1.18

Votifier should be compatible from 1.14 - 1.18!

no Its crashed the server https://pastebin.com/yw4amk75

Oh sorry, this has been patched in a previous update. Please make sure to get the latest version (v1.1.3 from github releases).

Thanks, It's Work Now And One More Question is there any way to give rewards to voters?? like currency items?? (i use gunpowder currency)

like this..

{ "rewards": [ { "type": "item", "name": "minecraft:diamond", "count": 2, "nbt": "{display:{Name:"Reward",Lore:["Hello @player@,","This is your","voting reward from","@service@"]}}" }, { "type": "command", "command": "gamemode 1 @player@" }, { "type": "chat", "message": "[{"text":"@player@","color":"dark_aqua"},{"text":" just voted on "},{"text":"@service@","color":"dark_aqua"},{"text":" and received their daily reward! get yours using "},{"text":"/vote","color":"green"},{"text":" or by clicking "},{"text":"here","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":"https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/293830"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"click to vote!","color":"aqua"}}},{"text":"!"}]", "broadcast": true, "tellraw": true }, { "type": "chat", "message": "Congratulations @player@!\nYou just earned your daily reward!", "broadcast": true } ] }

I add this commands: ['tellraw @A [{"text":"%PLAYER% voted on %SERVICE%","color":"green"}]', '/give %PLAYER% diamond 5',
scoreboard players add %PLAYER% voted 1]

but not succeed with gunpowder currency

The command to add balance to a player, according to Gunpowder Currency's Readme would be /balance <player> <set/add/remove> <amount>. To add 10 to the balance of a voting player you should add /balance %PLAYER% add 10 to your commands.

['tellraw @A [{"text":"%PLAYER% voted on %SERVICE%","color":"green"}]', '/give %PLAYER% diamond 5',
'scoreboard players add %PLAYER% voted 1', 'balance %PLAYER% add 10']

I do but not work its show " A player is required to run this command here " also try adminAdd %PLAYER% 10 but the same msg

Note: tellraw is already @A my typing mistake and its work fine