
[BUG?] Can't restore backup on Firefox Snap, File Manager click() not triggered

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Describe the bug
I want to restore json file because after restart I lost every tabs I have, but when press restore, it doesn't work and put warning on console file manager can't be triggered, this only happen on ubuntu, firefox snap version (as reminder, firefox on ubuntu is forced to use snap version, I test on debian version of firefox, and it's working, tbh this is strange one)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install firefox snap
  2. Go to settings > backup restore
  3. Click restore file / json
  4. nothing happen, on console show can't be firex

Expected behavior
We can restore anything as usual like in debian firefox, or force user not use snap firefox (and give them warning regarding this bug)

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS and version: ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
  • Firefox version: 121 - snap
  • Simple Tab Groups version: 5.2

Additional context
Beware, this is specific to firefox snap. It could be because the sandboxing.