Several Improvements for Manage-Tab-Groups-View
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1.1 Allow to Stack multiple Groups into one Tab-Folder and only display the following for each Tab Group inside:
- Edges of Tab-Folders look different to distinguish between Tab-Groups
- Name of each Tab-Group
- Name OR Thumbnail of currently active/last used Website-Tab for each Tab-Group
- Set Level of Importance with numbers by coloring the Background of each Folder-Group with Custom Iterative RGB, HEX or HSL 6-10 Levels
1.2 Resize Thumbnails to display more Rows of Thumbnails for each Group, 6 would be good for my screen but 10 should be possible. The default should depend on the Screen-Size/Screen-Format
1.3 Resize Heigth & Width for all Tab Groups in Manage-Tab-Groups-View relative to the Window
1.4 Option to fit all Groups at once in Manage-Tabs-Groups-View
1.5 Colorize the Background of each Tab-Group depending on choosen color
- Invert Edge Colors for Specific Groups only if Background would have a similar color (less than 70-100 points appart)
- If image is choosen instead use image as Background
1.5 Allow to change a single specific Option for all Tab Groups at once: Ive tried to use "Prepend Group Title to Window Title" for all Groups at once but there is no option for this.
I'll second 1.5 in particular, it's nice to have prepending group title as an individual toggle but I would prefer to be able to change the default or global setting as well.