library paths (parallelisation)
luiseze opened this issue · 0 comments
Hello! I would like to use the scMAGIC_atlas function to annotate my data set. I tried running the 'Reference-free annotation' tutorial and when running the following code:
# run scMAGIC
output.scMAGIC <- scMAGIC_atlas(exp_sc_mat, MCA_ref, atlas = 'MCA',
type_ref = 'sum-counts', use_RUVseq = F,
min_cell = 5, num_threads = 10)
I run into the following issue:
Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val): 10 nodes produced errors; first error: there is no package called ‘limma’
I tried narrowing down the problem and it seems like the .libPaths()
that I define before running the code are not passed down in the function. My R packages are installed in a project specific folder that I usually add to the .libPaths()
. The limma package is installed and can be loaded outside of this function after adding the respective path to the .libPaths()
Is there any way to make sure that my library paths are passed down to the function during parallelisation?
Thanks a lot for your help!