- 6
- 0
[Assigned] Introduce google play publisher plugin
#418 opened by konifar - 5
No Map inside buildings
#421 opened by youten - 0
[Assigned] FeedFragment item html handling
#416 opened by takahirom - 4
Update libraries
#384 opened by shoheikawano - 9
- 14
[assigned] FireBaseAnalytics.setCurrentScreen() on Fragment may not be called
#500 opened by ogapants - 0
- 4
- 1
[Assigned] Apply feed layout design
#414 opened by takahirom - 2
[Assigned] Apply feed(information) tab icons
#413 opened by takahirom - 2
Add empty view in notification page
#355 opened by konifar - 0
Prepare release resources
#439 opened by takahirom - 0
Button should have 2dp corner radius
#486 opened by takahirom - 6
[Assigned] Use tools:sample/** resources
#441 opened by takahirom - 0
Apply session detail survey button design
#481 opened by takahirom - 2
- 5
[Assigned] Save searched words history.
#395 opened by konifar - 3
[Assigned] Descent of the description area in the sessions page is cut off
#447 opened by noriyuki106 - 1
- 2
[Assigned] Stop opening a speaker profile page from the same speaker profile page.
#449 opened by KeithYokoma - 0
Update architecture components to 1.1.0
#470 opened by takahirom - 5
[Assigned] ClassNotFoundException occurs when the notification time is reached.
#456 opened by nukka123 - 2
- 2
[Assigned] Show survey button and layout if session finished in Session Detail
#451 opened by takahirom - 2
- 4
- 2
- 3
[Assigned] Add paging for contributor page
#422 opened by takahirom - 2
[Assigned] Add animating speaker icon in ActivityTransition from a session list screen to a session detail screen
#450 opened by KeithYokoma - 2
- 2
- 2
- 3
No run windows environment.
#433 opened by Luecy1 - 5
- 7
- 2
Needless Toolbar elevation
#423 opened by takahirom - 1
- 1
Add debug menu
#359 opened by konifar - 1
English translation for map screen
#408 opened by takahirom - 2
- 3
- 0
Active drawer menu color is hard to see
#360 opened by konifar - 14
[Assigned] The speaker name in the Session Detail Screen will be hidden if its name is long
#375 opened by rkowase - 2
- 3
Crash at MainActivity on kitkat
#370 opened by nacatl - 1
- 2
[Assinged] Adjust sessions item margin
#358 opened by konifar - 2
- 2