
Easily add statuses to your models

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Assign statuses to Eloquent models

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Imagine you want to have an Eloquent model hold a status. It's easily solved by just adding a status field to that model and be done with it. But in case you need a history of status changes or need to store some extra info on why a status changed, just adding a single field won't cut it.

This package provides a HasStatuses trait that, once installed on a model, allows you to do things like this:

// set a status
$model->setStatus('pending', 'needs verification');

// set another status

// specify a reason
$model->setStatus('rejected', 'My rejection reason');

// get the current status
$model->status(); // returns an instance of \Spatie\ModelStatus\Status

// get the previous status
$latestPendingStatus = $model->latestStatus('pending');

$latestPendingStatus->reason; // returns 'needs verification'

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You can install the package via composer:

composer require spatie/laravel-model-status

You must publish the migration with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\ModelStatus\ModelStatusServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"

Migrate the statuses table:

php artisan migrate

Optionally you can publish the config-file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\ModelStatus\ModelStatusServiceProvider" --tag="config"

This is the contents of the file which will be published at config/model-status.php

return [

     * The class name of the status model that holds all statuses.
     * The model must be or extend `Spatie\ModelStatus\Status`.
    'status_model' => Spatie\ModelStatus\Status::class,

     * The name of the column which holds the ID of the model related to the statuses.
     * You can change this value if you have set a different name in the migration for the statuses table.
    'model_primary_key_attribute' => 'model_id',



Add the HasStatuses trait to a model you like to use statuses on.

use Spatie\ModelStatus\HasStatuses;

class YourEloquentModel extends Model
    use HasStatuses;

Set a new status

You can set a new status like this:


A reason for the status change can be passed as a second argument.

$model->setStatus('status-name', 'optional reason');

Retrieving statuses

You can get the current status of model:

$model->status; // returns a string with the name of the latest status

$model->status(); // returns the latest instance of `Spatie\ModelStatus\Status`

$model->latestStatus(); // equivalent to `$model->status()`

You can also get latest status of a given name:

$model->latestStatus('pending'); // returns an instance of `Spatie\ModelStatus\Status` that has the name `pending`

The following examples will return statusses of type status 1 or status 2, whichever is latest.

$lastStatus = $model->latestStatus(['status 1', 'status 2']);

// or alternatively...
$lastStatus = $model->latestStatus('status 1', 'status 2');

All associated statuses of a model can be retrieved like this:

$allStatuses = $model->statuses;

Retrieving models with a given latest state

The currentStatus scope will return models that have a status with the given name.

$allPendingModels = Model::currentStatus('pending');

//or array of statuses
$allPendingModels = Model::currentStatus(['pending', 'initiated']);
$allPendingModels = Model::currentStatus('pending', 'initiated');

Retrieving models without a given state

The otherCurrentStatus scope will return all models that do not have a status with the given name, including any model that does not have any statuses associated with them.

$allNonPendingModels = Model::otherCurrentStatus('pending');

You can also provide an array of status names to exclude from the query.

$allNonInitiatedOrPendingModels = Model::otherCurrentStatus(['initiated', 'pending']);

// or alternatively...
$allNonInitiatedOrPendingModels = Model::otherCurrentStatus('initiated', 'pending');

Validating a status before setting it

You can add custom validation when setting a status by overwriting the isValidStatus method:

public function isValidStatus(string $name, ?string $reason = null): bool

    if (! $condition) {
        return false;

    return true;

If isValidStatus returns false a Spatie\ModelStatus\Exceptions\InvalidStatus exception will be thrown.

You may bypass validation with the forceSetStatus method:


Check if status has been assigned

You can check if a specific status has been set on the model at any time by using the hasEverHadStatus method:

$model->hasEverHadStatus('status 1');

Delete status from model

You can delete any given status that has been set on the model at any time by using the deleteStatus method:

Delete single status from model:

$model->deleteStatus('status 1');

Delete multiple statuses from model at once:

$model->deleteStatus(['status 1', 'status 2']);


TheSpatie\ModelStatus\Events\StatusUpdated event will be dispatched when the status is updated.

namespace Spatie\ModelStatus\Events;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Spatie\ModelStatus\Status;

class StatusUpdated
    /** @var \Spatie\ModelStatus\Status|null */
    public $oldStatus;

    /** @var \Spatie\ModelStatus\Status */
    public $newStatus;

    /** @var \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model */
    public $model;

    public function __construct(?Status $oldStatus, Status $newStatus, Model $model)
        $this->oldStatus = $oldStatus;

        $this->newStatus = $newStatus;

        $this->model = $model;

Custom model and migration

You can change the model used by specifying a class name in the status_model key of the model-status config file.

You can change the column name used in the status table (model_id by default) when using a custom migration where you changed that. In that case, simply change the model_primary_key_attribute key of the model-status config file.


This package contains integration tests that are powered by orchestral/testbench.

You can run all tests with:

composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you've found a bug regarding security please mail security@spatie.be instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.