
Resource not found exception when an attirube doesn't refer to a color that is in colors.xml

kuyucuburak opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, firstly thank you so much for this great library!

I wanna mention about an important problem. I got the following error when I use AnimatedBottomBar:


App is stoping in the following lines when we track the code:
tabColorSelected = context.getColorResCompat(android.R.attr.colorPrimary)

After hours of investigation, I understood the reason of the problem. I changed color attribute in my theme as below:


And it worked! We must use color attribute instead of writing the color like #526fa4.

Did you do that intentionally? If yes, could you pleasee write a note about it in the readme. So that other people don't waste time like me to fix this problem :(

I did not do this intentionally, I will look into this.