
Stuck at process completed. No sign of further prompt.

jasonrichdarmawan opened this issue · 9 comments

My goal is to install Adobe Acrobat DC Pro.

The problem is that ccdl.command stops at [process completed].

What I've did:

  1. Download this repository. Unpack it at the download folders.
  2. CTRL+left click the ccdl.command file.
  3. Input y to prompt of Do you want to make M1 native packages (Y/n)

The log:

Last login: Mon Jun 20 15:02:35 on ttys000
/Users/x/Downloads/adobe-packager-master/ccdl.command ; exit;
x@xs-Mac-mini ~ % /Users/x/Downloads/adobe-packager-master/ccdl.command ; exit;
python3 found!
requests found!
starting ccdl
= Adobe macOS Package Generator =
============= 0.1.4 =============

Do you want to make M1 native packages (Y/n): y
Downloading products.xml

Source URL is: https://prod-rel-ffc-ccm.oobesaas.adobe.com/adobe-ffc-external/core/v4/products/all?_type=xml&channel=ccm,sti&platform=macuniversal,osx10-64,osx10&productType=Desktop
Source URL is: https://prod-rel-ffc-ccm.oobesaas.adobe.com/adobe-ffc-external/core/v4/products/all?_type=xml&channel=ccm,sti&platform=macarm64,macuniversal&productType=Desktop
Parsing products.xml
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./ccdl.py", line 662, in <module>
  File "./ccdl.py", line 369, in runccdl
    products, cdn = parse_products_xml(products_xml)
  File "./ccdl.py", line 283, in parse_products_xml
    dependencies = list(
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]

Same happening here. I think maybe the adobe endpoint is no longer working (worked last week) since the scripts aren't able to iterate over the list of "products" the endpoint supposedly returns.

Was enountering this issue a few hours ago too. I made a one line change to fix this issue

# ccdl.py

283:         dependencies = list(
284:            p.find('platforms/platform/languageSet/dependencies'))

283:         dependencies = p.findall('platforms/platform/languageSet/dependencies/dependency')

Its interesting to note that Adobe Packager was working completely fine a few hours ago. Perhaps an endpoint change was released that broke previous compatibility.

Also interesting to note that the previous lines of code would generate a dependencies array of [None] if there were no dependencies declared in the products XML. The change I made simply produces an empty array [], if there are no dependencies declared in the products XML

lasithkoswattagame solution works. It is interesting.

Anyway, I can't find Adobe Acrobat DC Pro regardless of whether I input y or n to prompt of Do you want to make M1 native packages (Y/n).

Is Adobe Acrobat DC Pro not supported?

kidfrom what are the steps to make lasithkoswattagame's solution work?

Where is ccdl.py?

It is in the repository source code. The numbers 283 and 284 correspond to line numbers within this file

Sry my bad for the dumb question... Thank you for answering.

How would I work it once I edit the code, when I try run the code too python it is unbearably slow.

Fixed with merged pull request #41