(Maybe feature request) Possible to run without ACC?
MDX-Tom opened this issue · 4 comments
MDX-Tom commented
Would it be possible to run the packager with only AntiCC or CC Runtime?
Antibioticss commented
Actually it works well with AntiCC
MDX-Tom commented
but I encounter the same json parse problem as #56 (with CC Runtime 2023),
Maybe I should try an older version of AntiCC, just like I should downgrade ACC to 5.7.0 to parse it correctly?
Antibioticss commented
In my test, it works well with AntiCC 1.7
You can download it from here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/q01nd5grk6m7se8/AntiCC_1.7_%255BRiD%255D.dmg/file
MDX-Tom commented
Oh thanks, I've tried AntiCC 1.7 and it works!