
comment removed?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hey Druvis,

thanks a lot for the video about Telegram chat. I left a lengthy comment with hints, concerns and a link to my own related project (https://github.com/eworm-de/routeros-scripts). It is no longer visible, so why was it removed?

Just a policy to remove external links. Even if someone verified your link, the contents or link could be changed later and end up spreading malicious code. I admit I did not think it through when I asked if you have seen other better scripts.

The same happened to the comment to your second Telegram chat video. I did not give an url, but a hint how to find my project - probably that's too much already. I will not try again for your latest video.

Just a little side note... I have published my project in 2018 and improved it since then. Even had a talk at MUM Europa 2019 in Vienna, though it evolved a lot since then. My Github project has over 700 stars, my Telegram group has nearly 500 members. Why should I add malicious code and ruin my reputation?

So you are still invited to have a look. Really, it's worth it: