
calc_AddRequestedSoilLayers not always working

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Referencing https://github.com/DrylandEcology/rSFSW2/blob/355ca39c06ca6e1545c962274664128dd9298557/R/PriorCalculations.R

The loop that adds layers to the input data (lines 97:104) seems to be wrong. It's hard to explain but I will try with an example:

I have some soil data with the depths 5, 33 and clay values 0.10, 0.31. I am trying to interpolate this to 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, .... I am expecting the function to add the values 10, 20, 30 for a total of 5, 10, 20, 30, 33.

Before line 100, our clay values are stored like this:

Clay_L1 Clay_L2
0.10      0.31

After adding layer depth 10 (lines 100:102), we have the following clay values:

         [1]   [2]
Clay_L1: 0.10 0.10
Clay_L2: 0.31 0.31

After adding depth 20:

         [1]  [2]   [3]
Clay_L1: 0.10 0.10 0.10
Clay_L2: 0.31 0.31 0.31

This pattern continues; the rows are now permanently Clay_L1 and L2 and the new layers are being added as columns. I don't understand this. Surely this is not intended? This is also on master. This causes an indexing error on line 150 because we are one column short.

I don't have the time to fully investigate this, but it seems like add_layer_to_soil is at fault. It converts the named vector to a matrix, causing the column names to become row names:

Clay_L1: 0.10
Clay_L2: 0.31

Now we only have 1 column or "layer". Depth 10 is trying to get inserted at index 1 (il = 1), but ncol == ilso it is now appended and becomes column 2, per the function's logic. I tried changing the conversion to a matrix to matrix(data = x, nrow = 1, ncol=length(x), dimnames = list(NULL, names(x))), which preserves the number of columns/rows correctly, but this caused other issues.

Could you please look into this and let me know what aspect I am not understanding?

High priority because I am leaving USGS in the coming weeks and this is the main roadblock to finishing SSURGO interpolation. Assigned to @dschlaep because I believe this code was originally written by him.

This should be replicable using the following data:

Soil layers:

SoilDepth_cm depth_L1 depth_L2
33 5 33


Matricd_L1 GravelContent_L1 EvapCoeff_L1 Grass_TranspCoeff_L1 Shrub_TranspCoeff_L1 Tree_TranspCoeff_L1 Forb_TranspCoeff_L1 TranspRegion_L1 Sand_L1 Clay_L1 Imperm_L1 SoilTemp_L1 Matricd_L2 GravelContent_L2 EvapCoeff_L2 Grass_TranspCoeff_L2 Shrub_TranspCoeff_L2 Tree_TranspCoeff_L2 Forb_TranspCoeff_L2 TranspRegion_L2 Sand_L2 Clay_L2 Imperm_L2 SoilTemp_L2
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
1.35 0.1625 0.8111 NA NA NA NA NA 0.669 0.1 NA NA 1.33 0.095 0.1889 NA NA NA NA NA 0.354 0.31 NA NA

My hunch is that this a problem with [ dropping dimensions ( see ?[) because there is one row as the example has one site only. Add , drop = FALSE to appropriate sub-setting calls.

Adding a drop=FALSE to a specific point in calc_AddRequestedSoilLayers did accomplish the same as using matrix(data = x, nrow = 1, ncol=length(x), dimnames = list(NULL, names(x))), but obviously in a much cleaner/better manner.

There were still issues afterwards (as I've gotten to this point before), but they were subsequently solved with another well-placed drop=FALSE in add_layer_to_soil. It appears I was originally only one line off from getting it to work...

The original interpolation now works as expected and I can finish up SSURGO's variation of it. It pays to have another pair of eyes. Thanks.

Good. That the function [ has as default drop = TRUE is convenient for interactive data wrangling, but a bane for programming with R...