Installation error: 'SOILWAT2/generic.h' file not found
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Shanicus commented
I was attempting to install rSOILWAT2
from Github but it gave me the error:
SW_R_lib.c:8:10: fatal error: 'SOILWAT2/generic.h' file not found
#include "SOILWAT2/generic.h"
Is the file actually missing or am I just missing something? Sorry, I'm not a developer or coder so I'm very unfamiliar with a lot problems that might be easy to fix!
Using macOS High Sierra v 10.13.5, R v. 3.4.3, RStudio 1.1.423
dschlaep commented
I guess that you didn't acquire the submodule source code of SOILWAT2
as described here
git clone -b master --single-branch --recursive rSOILWAT2