
Recurring event features

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I've implemented creating and deleting recurring events in #281, but some more feature are still needed:

  • Edit recurring events
  • Edit/delete this and all following events
  • Handling detached events somehow

@Isak-Kallini is this finished? It seems like the support is there but I'm not sure

Last i checked it wasn't, but I don't know if anyone has worked on this. To clarify, edit recurring events means editing all events at once, which wasn't possible last I checked. It's possible to delete all events in a series, but not to only deleting events from a certain point in time, which I think could be useful. With handling detached events (ie singular events that have been moved or something), iirc a detached event is just ignored from the rest of the recurring events as it is right now, this could probably be handled in a nicer way.

But yeah, if this is implemented it should be finished. I haven't checked since I made the original recurring events