
CMD: pronouns [add, [remove/del/delete], clear, check]

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Dthen commented

Because doing this via roles and nicks sucks.
Valid pronouns would probably be stored in a config file.



  • /pronouns add [pronoun]
    If it is a valid pronoun. adds the chosen pronoun to the guidMember's entry in the pronouns db.
    Else returns a response staying chosen pronoun is invalid.
  • /pronouns [remove/del/delete] a_pronoun
    If it is a valid pronoun. deletes the chosen pronoun from that guidlMember in the the pronoun db.
  • /pronouns clear
    Removes all information regarding the user from the pronouns db.
  • /pronouns lookup @mention
    Can't mention people who aren't in the guild, so no need to check.
    This will return a response displaying the chosen pronouns by the user in the @mention