
v4.3.0 Updates - Releasing in a couple days

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v4.3.0 - Docker Support, Launch Parameters Update, Many Bug Fixes, etc

Launch Parameters Update

With the release of v4.3.0, I've added ALL the options available in the config.ini file to the launch parameters list.
This means that any config option can be overridden on launch.

47 New launch parameters:

  • -generatecert : Automatically generates a certificate for the bot and updates the config.ini file to include the new certificate path.
  • All the options in the config.ini file are now available as launch parameters (47 new launch parameters!)
  • For the full list of launch parameters, check the wiki page: Launch Parameters List

Docker Builds Support

I've worked closely with @kaminascripts to prepare the JJMumbleBot project for Docker container support.
There's a lot to cover about this and the bot is easily configurable to run in a docker container.
For more information and a guide on setting up the bot with Docker, please check the wiki page: Docker Builds

Server Tools Plugin

Added 'toggleuserconnectionsound' command to be able to toggle the user connection sound feature without manually editing the config.

  • !toggleuserconnectionsound : Enables/disables the user connection sound feature in the metadata file for the plugin.
  • Fixed issue where changes to the server_tools metadata file were not being saved.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed audio library bugs with the media/sound_board plugins.
  • Fixed error with web interface trying to parse audio library metadata.
  • Fixed logging issue with whisper plugin where it would try to log items when logging was disabled.
  • Fixed errors that occurred when commands weren't formatted properly in the bot_commands plugin.
  • Fixed audio library issue that prevented user connection sound playback in the server_tools plugin.
  • Fixed issue in server_tools plugin where updating user connection sounds wouldn't properly update.

Other Updates

  • A minimally setup config file is now generated if the config.ini file is missing.
  • A minimally setup global_aliases file is now generated if the global_aliases.csv file is missing.
  • Directories such as the media/logging directories are now generated if missing.
  • Directories that are not configured in the config.ini file are now generated automatically instead of causing errors.
  • The bot now automatically adds itself to the user privileges if the web interface is enabled (previously it had to be manually added).
  • The default values in the config_template.ini have been changed to reflect a minimal config setup and make it easier for configuration.
  • Self-registration in servers is now disabled by default, and can be enabled in the config.ini file (previously it was enabled).
  • Logging is now enabled by default, and can be disabled in the config.ini file (previously it was disabled).
  • Database backups are disabled by default, and can be enabled in the config.ini fie (previously it was enabled).
  • Server_tools plugin's user_connections.csv file generates and is saved in the /cfg/plugins/ folder to improve usability.
  • The default multi-command limit set in the config file has been increased to 200.
  • The default command queue limit set in the config file has been increased to 600.
  • The default GUI font has been changed to 'Georgia' (previously set to 'Calibri').
  • The default GUI text color has been changed to 'Snow' instead of 'White'.
  • Removed redundant unit test and associated files.
  • Changed auto-generated media directories to generate in /cfg/ folder instead of root bot directory to keep media downloads persistent if the user is using docker. This won't make any difference to regular users.
  • Moved templates folder out of the cfg folder ->JJMumbleBot/cfg/templates/ folder to JJMumbleBot/templates/

Wiki Updates

  • Updated the wiki to include documentation and guides for Docker setups.
  • Updated the wiki documentation to reflect changes in v4.3.0


  • Update wiki documentation and docker procedures.
  • Finish testing docker builds/automation.