
[Feature Request] Runtime plugin settings updating through command: '!pluginsettings'

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Adding a command to allow changing plugin settings for a plugin, so that settings in the plugin metadata file can be changed at runtime. For example:
!pluginsettings<plugin_name> <setting_to_change> <new_setting_value>

This would probably require an admin-level command such as:
!pluginsettingslist <plugin_name>
which will display a list of all the modifiable settings in a plugin's metadata file.
The usage is expected to be as shown below:

> !pluginsettingslist <server_tools>`
> Server Tools Plugin - Settings List:
    - UseWelcomeMessage: True
    - WelcomeMessage: ' ... '
    - ...
    - ...

> !pluginsettings server_tools UseWelcomeMessage False
> The Server Tools Plugin settings have been updated!