
Read barriers

Opened this issue · 1 comments

This is needed for collectors that use concurrent marking or forwarding pointers, like Java's ZGC and Shenandoah.

I used to think this was impossible, but now I think it is not.

I think we could insert them in the deref implementation of Gc. We could guarantee the pointers are updated at least once after each safe point. Is this good enough?

TODO: Consult The GC Handbook

I've implemented concurrent copying in Rust but it was based on C4: cgc. It's object header is quite large as it has 2 words: pointer to vtable and pointer to forwarding word. Forwarding word by default points to object itself and read barrier is as simpel as this:

pub(crate) unsafe fn read_barrier_impl<T: Trace>(src_: *mut HeapInner<T>) -> *mut HeapInner<T> {
    let src = &*src_;

    // src.forward points to fromspace or to tospace.
    let r = src.forward.load(Ordering::Acquire) as *mut _;
    log::trace!("Read barrier: From {:p} to {:p}", src_, r);

This barrier means always doing two loads but it is much better than read barriers with conditions