Duimon Mega Bezel Legacy Graphics and Presets

This is the final version of my legacy presets. They are superseded by my multiple reference/boilerplate presets, and will no longer be maintained. They are provided as a convenience.


The Mega Bezel Community is a collaboration between a growing number of artists and the shader developer.

We have agreed, in an effort to create cohesion among our various projects, to intend our works reside in a "Mega_Bezel_Packs" folder. (Within the RA shader folder.) This keeps the shader folder tidy while still allowing for a relatively short browse to the artists presets.

For cross-platform compatibility, the "Mega_Bezel_Packs" folder is now required. All the paths are now relative. The following methods will

The following installation methods are applicable to the legacy presets and the text has been modified where needed.

Mega Bezel

Just a note that the Mega Bezel is not bundled with my pack. It will need to be installed first using the instructions on the Mega Bezel thread.

Installation using the release zip

The folder structure is...


An example presets folder and contents is...


Some Retroarch installations (Linux) have the "shader" folder outside of the root Retroarch folder. The preset paths are relative so the "shaders" folder can be anywhere (On any drive/mount.) as long as the correct shader path is defined in the Retroarch settings.

Unpack the release zip and move the newly extracted "Duimon-Mega-Bezel-Legacy" folder to "shaders/Mega_Bezel_Packs". Create the "Mega_Bezel_Packs" folder first if one does not exist.

To update, delete the “Duimon-Mega-Bezel-Legacy” folder and repeat the previous steps. (If files were renamed in an update it could leave unneeded files or broken presets.)

A note on paths and folder names. The paths in the presets are relative. (i.e. ../../../../../shaders_slang

You may have a very valid reason to use different folder names. It is the folder depth that is important. For example your paths could be...


...and it would still work. 😁

If this explanation makes your brain hurt, just use the Mega_Bezel_Packs folder name and try not to think about it too much. 😉

The following git method will require the "Duimon-Mega-Bezel-Legacy" folder name.

Installation using git

You can install everything to a local clone and update using the following method.

  1. Install Git. https://git-scm.com/downloads using the default settings.
  2. Enter the "/Retroarch/shaders" folder and create a "Mega_Bezel_Packs" folder if one does not exist.
  3. Enter the "Retroarch/shaders/Mega_Bezel_Packs" folder and from the command-line run:
git clone https://github.com/Duimon/Duimon-Mega-Bezel-Legacy

It will create a "Duimon-Mega-Bezel-Legacy" folder inside the "Mega_Bezel_Packs" folder.

To update, go into the "Duimon-Mega-Bezel-Legacy" folder (note the path difference) and run

git pull

Thanks @drstupid for the method.

Load your content and then a preset. I recommend creating a core preset next.

Since RA 1.9.1 and the Mega Bezel shader v0.9.00 release, you need to have "Simple Presets" enabled when saving a preset. This will save only changes you make and a reference to the currently loaded preset. This will stop your preset from breaking as I update my presets and HSM updates the shader.

If you are using a multiple system core, and using it for multiple systems, I recommend creating a content directory preset.

I hope this makes it easier on some who have had a tough time getting up and running. I also recommend starting with a clean install of RetroArch and following the installation instructions from HSM's shader thread.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.