
Integrate Panopto Cloud with Kits

joliet opened this issue · 6 comments

I am an instructor trying to use Panopto with Kits but I don't see it in the app store.

How might we (the Kits project team) integrate Panopto Could with Kits?

How will Panopto administrators manage Panopto through Kits for their departments?
Would Panopto administrators use a "Batch Create Panopto" option in the Admin Console if we built it?
How will we create consistency between Pantopo Kits and Panopto Sakai integrations?

The groups available to Panopto Cloud will only be new Kits groups; Panopto should not have all Duke groups (way too many).

Panopto administrators will need admin access to kits for their departments.
Using the Kits integration solely and integrating that with Sakai would be less confusing for users (Kits would be the single source of truth) - FUTURE feature to work toward.

From a Panopto email thread:

Ensure that Sakai & Kits don't create duplicate folders - and that permissions are the same across folders.
This is a thornier problem that will take longer-term work with Panopto to sort out. We discussed how Warpwire does some "magic" with Grouper groups and WW API to unify media libraries between those created by Kits API and Sakai LTI.

It'd take coordination to make sure that Kits or Sakai are creating or associating a Panopto folder properly. Or - we also discussed having some way of Sakai displaying a frame of a Panopto folder in the same way Add Participants works.

The LTI Panopto integration with Sakai will create folders in a Duke Sakai top 'folder' in Panopto. Kits will create folders under department folders per list provided by Todd.

Desired functionality: check the Duke Sakai top folder for existing course folder before creating a new one for Kits.
If an existing folder is found should we create a link to that folder in the Kits? Or provide an error that the Panopto folder didn't create and to see Sakai?

@joliet - The majority of the Panopto integration is done. Do you want to split out the Sakai-specific bits so we have something in place by the July 1 cutover?

@joliet - It looks like there was an outstanding question about what to do if a Sakai Folder is found.

If we just link to that folder from Kits, I think the authentication will not work - it is expecting you to launch an LTI connection from Sakai. So that might not be an option.

So would we want to just say "Can't create another Panopto folder because one already exists from Sakai"?

Or we can set up the new Panopto folder and say "By the way, this class now has two folders, one from Sakai"

What do you think?

@ewendland23 I tested linking the Panopto folder and it works if the user has clicked on the link in Sakai. Seems like a better option for users to allow the link than a 'can't create' message.

However, thinking about our future plans, we will not have this scenario too long (Kits will be the authority in the future) maybe we should not design for this at all. We could allow the duplicate folder and staff will fix it until we make the change in Sakai to allow Kits to manage external tools. That said, I don't know how easy it would be to fix duplicates on the Panopto side. Or, if we hit barriers in the future to Kits being the authority for external apps in Sakai how that might delay/derail our plans.

Adding a note here about "Old Toolkits Groups"

Panopto is only loading Kits groups post Jan 1 2021 (or thereabouts). If someone adds Panopto to a Kit older than that, we will manually need to add the Kits' grouper groups to Panopto. Per Todd:

_Since these particular Kits groups won’t be synched to Panopto automatically, we’d just need to identify the groups that Kits would have added if it were able, and then have IdMS add them to the Panopto Policy Group space (duke:policies:panopto). I think they are setting me up with access to do that as well, and perhaps we can add others (Chris L?) depending on how support requests come in.

Once the groups are added to duke:policies:panopto, an admin (myself, Chris, Teresa) would just browse to the folder Kits created, and search for and add the correct groups, which would then be discoverable in Panopto by virtue of their having been added to the policy space._

Works as designed.