
Is it possible to emulate this sudo command with doas

NapoleonWils0n opened this issue · 8 comments

HI Mate

more of a question than an issue

i have a script that runs sudo with the ip command and netns to run an application in another network namespace

so i can run namespace (which is the name of the script) firefox
and it then runs that application in the vpn network namespace

the ip command is run with sudo
then i run sudo with the -u "$whoami" option to run the rest of the command as my user
so that firefox runs as my user and not as root

this is the namespace script i use

#!/bin/sh sudo ip netns exec vpn sudo -u $(whoami) -- "$@"

and in my sudoers file i have this line

djwilcox ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/ip netns exec vpn sudo -u djwilcox -- *

im been trying variations on this command without any luck

doas ip netns exec vpn doas -u $(whoami) -- "$@"

the issue is running doas as root and executing a command,
and then running doas again as my user and executing another command, if that makes sense

thought id check if its possible rather than banging my head against the wall

im running ubuntu 20.04 and manually built and installed doas,
because its not in the repo but i see that doas is in the 21.10 repo (congrats on that)

i was going to make a youtube video about opendoas and how to manually build it or install it from your repo if its in
and some of the useful options like running apt update and upgrade without a password

my doas.conf

and have a happy a Christmas as possible

quick tip:

i use emacs with tramp and doas and my shell is zsh,
i found that the doas prompt in emacs would timeout with my shell set to zsh

so setting my shell to /usr/bin/sh in my emacs config fixed the issue with the doas prompt not working

(eval-after-load 'tramp '(setenv "SHELL" "/usr/bin/sh"))

Not really possible because doas does not support pattern matching on arguments. If that is not what you are trying to "emulate", then you are probably missing a rule to allow root to switch to the specific user.

Cheers for clearing that up
the issue is running a command as root and then running another command as a regular user

not to worry i can keep sudo around for that one script and use doas for everything else

i find doas particular useful to run apt update and upgrade,
mount and unmount drive and use with the zfs and zpool commands

the issue is running a command as root and then running another command as a regular user

This works if you add a rule that allows the user to run something as root and then another one that allows root to execute something as user.
The only thing that does not work is pattern matching the arguments.

if run create a simple script like this with whoami and run it with doas

doas thescript


whoami && doas -u djwilcox whoami
i get this output

doas: Operation not permitted

so obviously the script is run as root as shown by the first whoami
but i cant then run doas as another and execute whoami as that user

is that because because of the pattern matching in the arguments

No that's because you have no rule that allows root to switch to any or the specific user.

so i need a rule in my doas.conf that allows root to switch to my user

i tried this but no joy

permit root cmd doas args -u djwilcox

i have been through lots of permutations i just havent found the right one yet

One of the following:

permit root
permit root as djwilcox

Eureka, got it working :)

added the following to my doas.conf

permit nopass root as djwilcox

otherwise id have to type my root password

and added the following to my namespace script

#!/bin/sh ip netns exec vpn doas -u djwilcox -- "$@"

so now i can run: doas namespace firefox

and it runs firefox in a seperate vpn network namespace or any other command i specify
i use the command in a .desktop file to launch firefox in a vpn network namespace

i have the following in my doas.conf so i can run the namespace command without a password

permit nopass djwilcox cmd namespace
one thing i did notice is that if i change the script to

#!/bin/sh doas ip netns exec vpn doas -u djwilcox -- "$@"

and then run: namespace firefox

it prompts me for my password,
i guess you cant have doas in the script and have to prefix the command with doas for the no pass option to work

im just lazy and its easier to type: namespace firefox
than: doas namespace firefox

many thanks for you help mate,
i can completely switch to doas now

im going to make a video about opendoas and how to build and install it and the advantages over sudo

distrotube on youtube covered doas but it was the slicer69 port
which isnt going to be in the ubuntu repos and has a different syntax than opendoas

i was going to cover how to allow users and groups and the different syntax, groups are prefixed with : and users arent,
how to allow single command or a command with arguments

doas doesnt have a visudo mode like sudo to check the syntax if case you make an error,
so if you make typo and save the doas.conf file its easy to lock yourself out

my solution is to have 2 terminals open ( or use tmux ) and make changes in the doas.conf file and save but dont exit the editor
and then in another terminal check the doas config by running

doas -C /etc/doas.conf

and if you get an error you still have the doas.conf file open in the editor and can fix the issue
and then save and close the file, or is there a better way

am i right in thinking if you use args you have to specify the exact argument and cant use wildcards

i have a script which i have got working with doas with the following code
permit nopass djwilcox cmd vpn-netns
the actual command i run in the terminal would be

doas vpn-netns -a auth.txt -c us_west.ovpn

if i specify the name of the ovpn file in my doas.conf it works

permit nopass djwilcox cmd vpn-netns args -a auth.txt -c us_west.ovpn

what i was wondering is if you can use a wildcard as an option

permit nopass djwilcox cmd vpn-netns args -a auth.txt -c *.ovpn

its not really an issue as i can just run the command without specifying the args
but i was just curious if its possible

again many thanks for your help
and have a happy christmas

is there anything youd like me to mention about opendoas in the video