
Write script to retrieve Zentra data and insert into local DB (with tests)

Closed this issue · 4 comments

We need to pre-process the data before inserting into the database:

  • Get readings from Zentra for a full quarter day (or period as defined in settings somewhere)
  • Store averages for humidity, wind and precipitation data
  • Store max and min temperatures over that period
  • Convert the wind readings to u/v vector and transform to a 10m reading (inverse of what Simon's script does)
  • Ensure other units match what Simon's script expects

@simreaney Please can you confirm that this is what we agreed about the pre-processing?

Yes, that looks right but I would get the data from Zenta in its original 5-minute format and store it in a database table.
I would then process it as described above into a new table with the six-hour information.
This way, we can adjust the pre-processing for the model, or another model, fairly simply.

The interface values for wind speed should be 2m.

Yes, that looks right but I would get the data from Zenta in its original 5-minute format and store it in a database table. I would then process it as described above into a new table with the six-hour information. This way, we can adjust the pre-processing for the model, or another model, fairly simply.

OK, so @AbelTu0620 we should create a new table e.g. ProcessedZentraReading to store this info

The interface values for wind speed should be 2m.

Do you mean this is what we should expect the Zentra data to be? I thought we decided to stick with using 10m calculated speeds as inputs to Simon's script?

The equation within Simon's model uses the 2 m speed, so it makes sense to put it into the model as that.