
Consider making this into a nuget package........

nosami opened this issue · 3 comments

... so that your code can be consumed by non VS users :)

Thanks @nosami. I originally hadn't done that because I figured people wouldn't want to add this to every single project. But, you're right. Having a NuGet does no harm and helps folks out. Will do.

Thank you!

As a workaround, I discovered how you can still add this to Visual Studio Express 2015 until we have NuGet support. Download the extension file from here: https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/a4445ad0-f97c-41f9-a148-eae225dcc8a5. Rename the .vsix file to .zip, pull out CSharpEssentials.dll and then select "Add Analyzer..." from the project menu.

I'm not sure if this is recommended or what/if there are any downsides, but it seems to be working (well) so far. Thank you Dustin.