
error in code slide 44 ML082_bayes_202115n.pdf?

Sandy4321 opened this issue · 6 comments

error in code slide 44 ML082_bayes_202115n.pdf?

by the way is BayesianRidge to slow ?

from sklearn.linear_model import BayesianRidge

обучение model = BayesianRidge()

x = np.vander(x, 4) model.fit(x,y)

формируем ответ

grid = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100)
x2 = np.vander(grid, 4)
means, stds = model.predict(x2, return_std=True)


no error, BayesianRidge is slower than regular Ridge regression

but x and y used before was created ?

Any answer pls

but x and y used before was created ?

x and y should not be created in this code. This is the data for a polynomial regression. x and y defined before this snippet.

can you share full code pls