
.ImageDescription does not appear after getImageInfo()

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I was using TIFFStack to load time-lapse tiff images saved by ImageJ (FIJI) on Mac with the following code.

G = TIFFStack([Path FileName]);
Info = getImageInfo(G);
Head = strsplit(Info(1).ImageDescription,'\n');
TPF = cell2mat(Head(~cellfun(@isempty,strfind(Head,'finterval'))));
TPF = str2double(TPF((strfind(TPF,'=')+1):end));

To obtain the frame interval information I was using ImageDescription but the current version does not create that one. Is there another way to get such info? I can use a version released before December.


Hi Makoto,

You need to use the ‘getImageTags’ method, in the latest update. This is because for many large stacks, several of those text fields were using unreasonable amounts of Matlab’s memory.

I hope this helps, and I’m sorry for the change in usage.

Best regards,