Maple samaras falling gracefully in 1.16.5 and/or 1.18.2 biomes o plenty compat.
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From what I remember, in 1.12.2 version of BOP compat, maple samaras were falling gracefully when dropped by a tree or a player - it gave this mod such a wonderful experience. When I downloaded 1.16.5 version, I was a bit disappointed to see they behave like regular item. 1.18.2 version unfortunately also didn't bring this feature back.
What I think would be a nice solution, is bringing back spinning maple samaras. If it is possible, copying code from 1.12.2 version and pasting it in 1.16.5 and/or 1.18.2 ones would fix the problem.
If it's imposible to copy and paste, writing new code for this feature should also work.
What I also remember, is that magic trees' seeds also used to fall slowly (not as gracefully as maple samaras, but still). Now they are replaced by magic poplar catkins, but I still remember them giving this mod a unique experience too.