
Unexpected critical error on startup

OzdorMiZ opened this issue · 1 comments

Bug description:
-Mod fails to load correctly

Steps to reproduce the behavior:
-Have DynamicTrees installed
-Have other mods installed(listed in the logs)
-See the error occur


Are you using OptiFine (or any equivalent mods that mess with rendering)?
-Yes. Currently using Optifine and a couple of rendering API's(listed in the logs)

Additional info:
-I am currently using both the DynamicTrees+ and DynamicTrees - Biomes O' Plenty add-ons.

  • Are you running the latest version of Dynamic Trees?
  • Yes. The installed version is 1.16.5-0.10.5
  • If you are using the DT Biome O' Plenty Add-on do you have the latest version?
  • Yes. The installed version is 1.16.5-2.0.9
  • If you are using the DT Thaumcraft Add-on do you have the latest version?
  • Not using.

What version of Forge are you running? (e.g. 1.12.2-

Latest log:

Crash log: