
Get value of input in dropdown (C#)

NicklasOestergaard opened this issue · 3 comments

I have created a dropdown that has inputs. Have do i "get" the cleand value of the inputs?

@ke-yu Can you please help him to resolve his issue.


My current code looks like this:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using DSCoreNodesUI;
using Dynamo.Nodes;
using Dynamo.Utilities;
using ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST;
using Dynamo.Models;
using System;
using Dynamo.Engine;

namespace BIMSharkDynamoTools.GETCalls
    [NodeName("GET All Your BS Projects")]
    [NodeDescription("GET a list of all your BS projects")]
    public class BIMSharkDynamoToolsGETProjects : DSDropDownBase
        private RestService.Rest rest;
        private string apiKey = "";

        //public static string apiKey;
        internal EngineController EngineController { get; set; }

        //public BIMSharkDynamoToolsGETProjects()
        //    : base("item")
        //    this.AddPort(PortType.Input, new PortData("BS ApiKey", "ToolTip"), 0);
        //    this.PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChanged;

        public BIMSharkDynamoToolsGETProjects()
            : base("Project(s)")
            InPortData.Add(new PortData("BS ApiKey", "ToolTip"));


            this.PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChanged;

        void OnPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.PropertyName != "CachedValue")

            if (InPorts.Any(x => x.Connectors.Count == 0))



        public override void PopulateItems()

                List<string> BSAPIKeys = new List<string>();
                string AllBSAPIKeys = "";

                var urls = InputNodes.Values.ToArray();
                foreach (var url in urls)
                    if (InPorts.Any(x => x.PortName == "BS ApiKey"))
                AllBSAPIKeys = string.Join(", ", BSAPIKeys.ToArray());
                apiKey = AllBSAPIKeys.Replace(";", "").Replace("/", "").Replace("\"", "");

            if (apiKey.Length > 20)
                    // The Items collection contains the elements
                    // that appear in the list. For this example, we
                    // clear the list before adding new items, but you
                    // can also use the PopulateItems method to add items
                    // to the list.

                    rest = new RestService.Rest(apiKey);

                    // Create a number of DynamoDropDownItem objects 
                    // to store the items that we want to appear in our list.

                    var newItems = new List<DynamoDropDownItem>();
                    foreach (RestService.Project p in rest.projects)
                        string text = "(" + p.id.ToString() + ")  " + p.project_name.ToString();

                        string value = p.id.ToString();
                        //int value = int.Parse(p.id);

                        //CB_Projects.Items.Add("(" + p.id + ")  " + p.project_name);
                        //new DynamoDropDownItem("(" + d.id + ")  " + d.title, d.id)),
                        Items.Add(new DynamoDropDownItem(text, value));

                    //set up the collection
                    //var newItems = new List<DynamoDropDownItem>();

                    //set up the collection

                    // Set the selected index to something other
                    // than -1, the default, so that your list
                    // has a pre-selection.
                    SelectedIndex = 0;

                    // The Items collection contains the elements
                    // that appear in the list. For this example, we
                    // clear the list before adding new items, but you
                    // can also use the PopulateItems method to add items
                    // to the list.


                    // Create a number of DynamoDropDownItem objects 
                    // to store the items that we want to appear in our list.

                    var newItems = new List<DynamoDropDownItem>()
                        new DynamoDropDownItem("No Project found", 0),

                    //set up the collection
                    //var newItems = new List<DynamoDropDownItem>();

                    //set up the collection

                    // Set the selected index to something other
                    // than -1, the default, so that your list
                    // has a pre-selection.
                    SelectedIndex = 0;

        public override IEnumerable<AssociativeNode> BuildOutputAst(List<AssociativeNode> inputAstNodes)
            //var intNode = AstFactory.BuildIntNode((int)Items[SelectedIndex].Item);
            //var assign = AstFactory.BuildAssignment(GetAstIdentifierForOutputIndex(0), intNode);
            //return new List<AssociativeNode> { assign };

            // If there the dropdown is still empty try to populate it again
            if (Items.Count == 0 || Items.Count == -1)

            // get the selected items name
            var stringNode = AstFactory.BuildStringNode((string)Items[SelectedIndex].Item);

            // assign the selected name to an actual enumeration value
            var assign = AstFactory.BuildAssignment(GetAstIdentifierForOutputIndex(0), stringNode);

            // return the enumeration value
            return new List<AssociativeNode> { assign };

@NicklasOestergaard Please note that we have changed PopulateItems() API and it's no longer a virtual method, you may need to override PopulateItemsCore() as mentioned here.