
Small corrections in ormqr! error messages

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I think the following lines in ormqr!

            if side == 'L' && m != mA
                throw(DimensionMismatch("for a left-sided multiplication, the first dimension of C, $m, must equal the second dimension of A, $mA"))
            if side == 'R' && n != mA
                throw(DimensionMismatch("for a right-sided multiplication, the second dimension of C, $m, must equal the second dimension of A, $mA"))

should be

            if side == 'L' && m != mA
                throw(DimensionMismatch("for a left-sided multiplication, the first dimension of C, $m, must equal the first dimension of A, $mA"))
            if side == 'R' && n != mA
                throw(DimensionMismatch("for a right-sided multiplication, the second dimension of C, $m, must equal the first dimension of A, $mA"))

Similar modifications are necessary also in the function
Base.resize!(ormws::QROrmWs, side::AbstractChar, trans::AbstractChar, ...

and also in the original LAPACK wrapper for ormqr!.

I think that you are right. Thanks

Fixed in commit 37c14d9