
Add overload on innerJoin keyword to allow join on multiple columns

TerenceHinrichsen opened this issue ยท 2 comments

Allows the user to specify either the current setup tableName, colName, col2Name OR
tableName, joinList

select {
      table "Dogs"
      innerJoin "VaccinationHistory" ["PetOwnerId", "Dogs.OwnerId"; "DogNickname", "Dogs.Nickname"]
      orderBy "Dogs.Nickname" Asc

We have been using this extensively and it works extremely well in our "eventsourced" tables where we have the EntityId and Version as a composite primary key.

Requires update to Net 5.0

I am able to test on MSSQL, but I am having a difficult time with getting the MySQL and PostGres tested, would someone be able to help with those?

Done by... wait for it... YOU! ๐Ÿ˜

Thank you so much for your helpful feedback! Many lessons learned!