SelectAsync returns a Task which cannot be wrapped in async block
DianaLaa opened this issue · 4 comments
DianaLaa commented
This does not work:
namespace API.DAL.Authorization
open API.DAL
open Dapper.FSharp
open Dapper.FSharp.MSSQL
open Microsoft.Data.SqlClient
open System.Data
type public IAuthorizationRepository =
abstract member ListModules : slug:string -> Async<string list>
type public AuthorizationRepository(connectionString: ConnectionString) =
interface IAuthorizationRepository with
member this.ListModules(slug: string) =
use connection: IDbConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString.ConnectionString)
let moduleTable = table<string>
async {
select {
for p in moduleTable do
} |> connection.SelectAsync<string>
// ??? Compile error: Type constraint mismatch. The type Async<unit> is not compatible with type Async<string list>
How to use Dapper.FSharp with async?
JordanMarr commented
Use the new task
block instead of async
(or else convert the task to an async).
Also you will need to return!
, or await the results with let!
and then return
You should review this:
Also, you should be calling connection.SelectAsync<MyModuleType>
, where MyModuleType
is the type you created to represent that table.
namespace API.DAL.Authorization
open API.DAL
open Dapper.FSharp
open Dapper.FSharp.MSSQL
open Microsoft.Data.SqlClient
open System.Data
type public IAuthorizationRepository =
abstract member ListModules : slug:string -> Async<string list>
type public AuthorizationRepository(connectionString: ConnectionString) =
interface IAuthorizationRepository with
member this.ListModules(slug: string) =
use connection: IDbConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString.ConnectionString)
let moduleTable = table<string>
task {
let! modules =
select {
for p in moduleTable do
} |> connection.SelectAsync<MyModuleType>
|> (fun m -> m.Name)
DianaLaa commented
I don't think that's configured correctly either... I'm getting TaskCanceledException
on connection.SelectAsync
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong..
DianaLaa commented
Ah, found it. The use connection
statement should be inside the task.
JordanMarr commented
Good catch!