Working with auto increment IDs
Slesa opened this issue · 3 comments
Consider an order with an auto ID field, which can have multiple orderlines.
type Order = { Id: int64 option }
type OrderLine = { Id: int64 option; order: int64 }
Is there an example how to get the value of this generated ID in order to use it as the reference in the orderlines?
I know this can be done manually with
or "; SELECT last_insert_rowid()" for MSSql/Postgres
but maybe there is a more comfortable way?
And probably there is no other way than keep the ID as option, isn't it?
Your primary key fields should not be optional.
I don’t think any database even allow setting a nullable field as the PK.
Use InsertOutputAsync
to return the generated id field value.
I see this part is missing in the documentation so if you would @Slesa send a PR with some description for *OutputAsync
methods, it may help others for next time.
Well I would like to, but... maybe it is because of monday, or I am too slow in thinking in general :)
When I use Order with Id set, I get the error 'Can not set explicit value on identity'. When I use an OrderDto w/o Id field, I cannot persist as it is a table of Orders, not OrderDtos. And I could not access the Id field anyway...
PS: @JordanMarr is right, the Id field cannot be optional
I bet it has sth to do with the Persons.View.generate in the tests somehow...