
categorizER returns a TypeError exception after update

Opened this issue · 1 comments

python ../categorizER/categorizER.py --apiKey <saulo_api_key> --get_articles -e 10 -r 40 -k "companies such as" er_search_results.json.tmp
using user provided API key for making requests
Event Registry host: http://eventregistry.org
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "../categorizER/categorizER.py", line 98, in
returnInfo = returnInfoSpec)
TypeError: execQuery() got an unexpected keyword argument 'maxItems'

Hmmm... this is peculiar. The command you pasted works for me.

This parameter is in the QueryEventsIter.execQuery() function both in the ER documentation (here) as well as the code (here). Maybe you just need to update the eventregistry module to the latest version?