
CFmon variable clisccp and clcalipso: won't convert

chengzhuzhang opened this issue · 1 comments

Note that other CFmon variables works fine, the failed two variables have additional dimensions.

clisccp ISCCP Cloud Area Percentage FISCCP1_COSP clisccp = FISCCP1_COSP %(time, plev7c, tau, lat, lon)
clcalipso CALIPSO Percentage Cloud Cover CLD_CAL clcalipso = CLD_CAL %(time, alt40, lat, lon)

It turned out each errors are caused by different problems:

  • clisccp: in v2 dataset the COSP version changed to use Pa instead of hPa for pressure coordinate cosp_prs. Using original unit conversion formula triggers Cmor checker to report errors, i.g. ! Error: requested value 90000.000000 for axis plev7c (table: CFmon) was not found
  • clcalipso: xarray dataarray was used as input for coordinate value, but it requires numpy array instead.