ToDo List: module options
E3V3A opened this issue · 0 comments
E3V3A commented
The first module enhancements we can start working on, are implementing the missing configuration options. As I see it, and I'm open for more suggestions, the following are needed.
config: {
//header: "Flights Above", // The module header text, if any. (Use: "" to remove.)
//compassHeading: true, // ["decimal", "compass"] Type of heading indicator (I.e. "45" vs "NE")
updateInterval: 10000, // [ms] 3*60*1000 // Radar scan/ping/update period [default 3 min]
//maxItems: 10, // MAX Number of planes to display [default is 10]
// The geographical (map) Boundary-Box (BB), from within planes will be shown are given by:
// the maximim Lat/Lon edges of: [N-lat, W-lon, S-lat, E-lon] - all in decimal degrees.
//radarBBox: "-8.20917,114.62177,-9.28715,115.71243", // "DPS" (Bali Airport) [default]
//radarLocation: "23.2,54.2", // [Lat,Lon] - The location of radar center in decimal degrees
//radarRadius: 60, // [km] - The maximum distance of planes shown.
//watchList: "", // Highlight planes/flights/types on watch list
Some other options to be considered:
location: "54,21" // Lat/Lon of radar location
losradius: 100, // Line of Sight radius in [km] of planes to be shown
speedunit: "kmh" // kmh | kn (default)
altunit: "m" // m | ft (default)
fontsize: "small" // [small,medium,large]
updates: 200, // Update frequency in seconds
itemlist: [flight,callsig,to,from,alt,bearing,speed]
// also: [id,registration,model,modes, radar]
Current Implementation Status:
- header
- footerLegend
- compassHeading
- updateInterval
- maxItems
- radarBBox
- radarLocation*
- radarRadius*
- watchList
- altunit
- speedunit
- itemlist
- homeIata
- These need more substantial programming by using the GIS calculator found in the MagicRadarBB.html