
Inaccuracy - Wrong Country Displayed for Station

Closed this issue · 8 comments

I was in a QSO with a DMR station several days ago. They identified themselves as being located in the State of Georgia. Whenever they keyed up, the EA7KDO configuration on my Nextion display showed them as located in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. I looked up their callsign on QRZ as well as on RadioID.net and they are most definitely located in Georgia. Is there a way I can debug this to determine where the inaccuracy stems from?

Pi-Star 4.1.0 RC6
Zumspot Raspberry Pi GPIO
Nextion 3.5" Enhanced display
EA7KDO NX4832K035.tft (November 2019 build)

Please let me know if you require any additional information. Feel free to reply here but I would also request that you send me a note via email using the address on my QRZ page. I do receive email notifications from GitHub but I receive a lot of them so it can be easy to miss the important ones and this one is important to me I want to help get to the bottom of this. :-)


Thanks and 73!

Atlanta, GA

KF6S commented
KF6S commented

It turns out the arm forces are still issuing KG4XX (two character suffix) to US stations in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and the FCC is issuing KG4XXX (three character suffix) to stations in the US. The code will need to be changed to handle this case. Thanks for pointing this out, I have now heard several KG4XXX calls on DMR.

Hi Jim,

Glad I could help out! I had the hotspot I experienced this issue on shut down as of a couple of days after the issue manifested itself. I powered it on earlier this evening to see if I was able to find the station's callsign in the logs since I forgot what it was, but it looked like Pi-Star already purged the entries.

Glad you were able to get to the bottom of it!

Any idea as to when you may release a new build of the configuration? Not that this is a a critical issue by any means. I'm just curious to see what you do next.

This is my most favorite Nextion display configuration yet! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING WORK!!!


KF6S commented

I came across this post and I am curious if you can help.
My call sign is KG4BEK and when I am using DMR, the hotspot identifies me as being in Guantanamo Bay. I am located in the U.S. Is there anyway for me to correct this? I have tried entering the longitude and latitude multiple times. I have also tried reconfiguring the Talk Alias information. I read the previous post were you mentioned entering the call sign first but I have not found anyway to change that.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you,

KF6S commented

Thank you for this information! I was trying everything to correct the location on my display! I emailed Mitch and explained to him the situation.
Thanks for this info!