
Reinstalling dependencies with provided script would delete dependencies of other BLAST codes

n01r opened this issue · 1 comments

n01r commented

Following the instructions right above the Compilation section in our docs recommends to use the script $HOME/src/warpx/Tools/machines/perlmutter-nersc/

On Perlmutter, the software dependency directory for a given project looks like this

(warpx) mgarten@perlmutter:login20:~/src/warpx> ls /global/cfs/cdirs/m3239/mgarten/sw/perlmutter/gpu/venvs/
impactx/ warpx/   

The script removes the old dependencies however and this would also break the ImpactX workflow by removing its installed dependencies

# Remove old dependencies #####################################################
rm -rf ${SW_DIR}
mkdir -p ${SW_DIR}
n01r commented

Is it better to unify the dependencies for the BLAST codes or to separate them by code?
Maybe the latter?

We could instead do


