
Empires DOMW compatiblity

Opened this issue · 3 comments

SSA archives from Empires: Dawn of the Modern World don't seem to be compatible with SSA Tool. Same engine as EE, same studio behind the game. File listing works on data.ssa, not on moredata.ssa. Extraction doesn't work on both.

Data.ssa extraction gives ValueError: embedded null character. Moredata.ssa extraction gives UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xd0 in position 0: invalid continuation byte.

Any plans on adding compatibility? Any way to repack/use the modified files?

We will need to add compatibility in future.

DOMW is not supported currently, but I am working on it.

Any way to repack/use the modified files?

Repacking is also in the works, sadly it is way harder than I thought, so it might take a bit of work still.

EDIT: v1.0 adds support for SSA packing