How to Deploy Correctly?
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How to build and deplyo the project
- build the frontend and backend (npm build) -> outputs a folder (dist) -> build the docker image
- Build the docker images of the other microservices (if needed).
- deploy the whole project locally by : docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up -d
Running the script:
will build all the images and deploy them. It depends really on the argument you pass to it. Calling it without argument will show you a "help" output of what you can call it with. You can mimic the shell process on windows but it will be painful for me to explain since I don't know much about using Windows Docker or Docker-compose. However if you are on a WSL, running the script will be enough to deploy: Keycloak, Database (CleanDB), Database Manager (cpgadmin).
For the exact steps of deployment, please read the ./platform_build_.... script. The "echo"s will help you understand it really quickly.
Note: Make sure to close the pgadmin4 webpage before re-deploying. It has a token problem if the old page is still open and a new deployment has started.